Acanthurus Olivaceus



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Acanthurus olivaceus, known as the Orangespot surgeonfish, is a large surgeonfish that needs a lot of space to swim. When young they are completely yellow, but when they mature they change completely. The front half of the body becomes light gray and the back half dark gray. Behind the eye they develop a long horizontal orange spot with a blue border. The tail fin will develop stripes and spots and a white border. As they age, they generally become darker and the throat and head become bluer.

It can be aggressive towards other fish, especially other spicy fish and food competitors, but will compensate for this by eating algae once the pecking order is established.

Like other tangs, it eats meaty foods, but it is important that it can graze on algae/seaweed all day to ensure it remains healthy. Therefore, feed flakes/pellets several times a day and make sure seaweed is always available.

Size: Up to 35 cm

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