Ecsenius bicolor (Blenny bicolor)

SKU: bicolorblenny


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Ecsenius bicolor, known as Bicolor blenny, is a tiny blenny. The front half of the body is purplish-brown and the back half is yellow to orange.

These fish are generally found solitary in tube-like structures. In an aquarium, make sure you have rocks with small holes for them to hide in before introducing them. In a large aquarium, multiple blennies are possible as long as enough territories can be formed, but in a Nano, they may be better kept alone or as a proven pair. They feed mainly on zooplankton and can be best fed with live and frozen foods, such as copepods, brine shrimp and small gammarus, but they generally learn to feed on high quality flakes and pellets as well!

Ecsenius bicolor


Care Level - Moderate

Origin - Philippines, Western Pacific

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