Liopropoma carmabi (Candy basslet)

SKU: Candybasslet

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Rarely available.

candy basslet

Occasionally seen in commerce, it is quite attractive with a reddish-orange body with lavender-orange horizontal lines separated by red lines.

Best kept in reef aquariums, but can also be kept in fish-only aquariums if they have lots of hiding places/rock crevices to investigate or take shelter in, as most in this family are quite shy/reserved. It can hide for several days when entering the aquarium, but it will become bolder as time passes and will spend most of its time in plain sight.

As for diet, products such as marine fish and crustacean meat, clams and other meaty marine foods should make up the majority of your diet. Therefore, a meaty diet, such as minced fresh fish or enriched shrimp meat and/or frozen carnivorous foods, should be fed every other day, or about three times a week in well-established aquariums. In newly established aquariums, feed once per day.

NOTE: Not safe with small ornamental crustaceans.

Experience level: intermediate

Temperament: Peaceful

Diet: Carnivore

Reef safe: Yes

Fish safe: Yes

Safe for invertebrates: With caution / will eat small crustaceans

Acclimatization time: 30 minutes +

Aquarium environment: reef or fish-only aquarium

Tankmates: peaceful

Minimum tank size: over 30 gallons (+100L)

Temperature range: 22 - 27°C

Specific Gravity: 1.020 - 1.026

pH: 8.0 - 8.5

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