Scartella cristata (Molly miller)

SKU: mollymiller


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Scartella cristata, known as Molly miller, is a small blenny, very common in many seas. These blennies are one of the most underrated fish in our opinion, overshadowed by the more popular Salarias. But take a look at these reef-safe fish. They are very resistant to disease and can handle small changes in water quality very well. From a distance, they may appear a bit dull green-brown, but when you look at them a little closer, you'll notice that they have quite an interesting pattern. But probably the best part about these fish is that they eat a lot of unwanted things in our aquariums. Think debris and all types of algae, including Bryopsis sp.! And although they are mainly herbivores, when mature, they have been seen eating aiptasias!

In the wild, these fish are found around rocks covered in algae and when they feel threatened, they quickly retreat to a small hole or Strombus shell until the danger disappears. Be sure to supplement their diet with sufficient algae containing flakes and pellets, especially when there is little algae present in the tank. Just be careful when combining them with other blennies.

Molly Miller


Care Level - Moderate

Origin - Caribbean, Eastern Atlantic Ocean

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